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Home Cash Offer LLC

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All that hassle can add stress, months to the process, and in the end after paying the agent's expensive fees, you may or may not be ahead of the game.

We work differently at Home Cash Offer LLC. When you contact us and submit the short property information form (below), we'll give you a fair all-cash offer on your house within 24 hours... and the best part is: we can close whenever YOU choose to close - it's entirely up to you. It doesn't matter what condition the house is in, or even if there are tenants in there that you can't get rid of... don't worry about it. We'll take care of it for you. And if you need the cash quickly, we can close in as little as 7 days because we buy houses with cash and don't have to rely on traditional bank financing. (Go here to learn about our process →)

We help property owners just like you, in all kinds of situations. From divorce, foreclosure, death of a family member, burdensome rental property, and all kinds of other situations.Sometimes, those who own property simply have lives that are too busy to take the time to do all of the things that typically need to be done to prepare a house to sell on the market... if that describes you, just let us know about the property you'd like to be rid of and sell your house fast for cash.

If you simply don't want to put up with the hassle of owning that house any longer, and if you don't want to put up with the hassle and time-consuming expense of selling your property the traditional way, let us know about the property you'd like to be rid of and sell your house fast for cash. Talk to someone in our office before submitting your property information by calling us today at (866) 797-5421

We buy houses in whole USA. If you need to sell your house fast, connect with us... we'd love to make you a fair no-obligation no-hassle offer. Take it or leave it. You've got nothing to lose ????

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Details and Specs

Property Type: For Sale
Price: $0.00
Sq Ft:
Lot Size:
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Basement: Yes
Garage: Yes
Pool: Yes


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