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Barrington Acquisitions

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Barrington Acquisitions is a popular real estate company that buys houses in Atlanta, GA. If you're looking to sell a house fast in Atlanta, you can contact them to get a fair cash offer within a day. They are a family-owned and operated company, so they work to understand each customer's situation and recommend the best solution to help the customer earn a better profit.

The home selling process is simple and transparent. After you submit your details, they will review them and give you a no-obligation cash offer for your home. You can close if you're satisfied with the offer. They typically close within ten days on your schedule. Visit to learn more about their sales process.

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Details and Specs

Property Type: For Sale
Price: $0.00
Sq Ft:
Lot Size:
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Basement: Yes
Garage: Yes
Pool: Yes


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